Monday, November 3, 2008

My Life

Well my life as of late...

~I have for the past week not did so good on my WW but I set a goal for myself this weekend and I am determined to make that goal.

~I did get my house all clean this weekend. Thank goodness...

~I am so ready for the holidays. I love spending time with family and friends.

~I am completely ready for the cold weather to get here, there is just something about putting on sweaters and coats and scarfs that I love. I cant wait to cuddle on the couch with my hubby in front of our romantic is that???

~I am half way through my list of people to buy for for Christmas...whew...21 family members to buy for and who know's how many others that I will send treats too!

~I think we finally have everything we need to decorate our house for Christmas...except for the tree which will come in the next 2 weeks.

~I start selling button frames this weekend. Please tell all to contact me if they are in need of something cute or even something unique for a Christmas present. WOO HOO!

Well that's about it for the day. I love all!


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