Tuesday, December 23, 2008


I know that I havent posted in a while so I thought I would give a lil update. It's gonna be short cause I dont have much time today.

First of all woo hoo it's Christmas. I am so glad to be spending it with my family. I cant wait for Christmas morning not because I want gifts but I love giving them and I cant wait to see everyone's faces when they open them up. My biggest Christmas present this year is something for me and Billy that we bought together. Its a Canon 30D camera. I love it. We bought it from our photographer, its the one he used in our wedding. So you can imagine its wonderful. Look out 2009 for pictures from Shannon.

Second, my dad starts Chemo on the 30th of December. Im really glad that I have a week off for Christmas vacation so I can be there with him and help my mom out. She has been a basket case the past two weeks with everything going on plus adding in Christmas...you can only imagine. So 3 months of Chemo is starting. I will keep everyone posted as to what is going on.

I hope everyone has a wonderful Christmas and blessed New Year's.

Shannon Poling


M said...

Merry Christmas to you too, Weeont!

I'm glad you have the week off... your parents will need a lot of support. I recommend puzzle books for your dad's chemo treatments, as they may be long... and an awesome winter hat will come in handy, too!

You're in our prayers and I can't wait to see what 2009 holds for all of us! (Also, I can't wait to see photos! WOOT!)


Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you and your family too.
Ya'll will be in my prayers!