Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Life as of Late

Well I thought I better blog about something since I havent in a while. Im constantly reading posts from my wonderful and dear friend Maggie...her blogs can make you laugh and cry at the same time and let me just say...when your done, you feel so much better. Then there is and old high school friend of mine, who for the past month has been telling her heart disease story and educating everyone on heart awareness. I never knew just exactly how much she has gone through the past couple of years and my hurt goes out to her. I think she is a fantastic woman and mother. With all that said...ready for an update from me?
My husband started back at his old job with Citi but is now working in the Mortgage division. He is super excited and I am too. Now we have better insurance, and more money in our pockets. I am also trying to find a new job. I have applied at a couple of places and I am now just waiting to hear back. Im just not happy anymore where I am. And it is really hard to work for family.
We are still trying for that baby, we just started on some fertility meds, so hopefully something will happen soon. I just pray it will, and that I dont end up being like the OCTUPLET Lady.
My dad is doing okay. He goes April 1st to have another biopsy done to see how everything is going, and then on April 15th we will all be in Temple for his surgery. This is definetly gonna be a life changing experience for him. It's hard to prepare for something that you have no idea how it's gonna turn out. It's been extremely hard on my mom. But she is the strongest woman I know. And I have complete faith that God is gonna pull my Dad through.
Well I guess that's about it on me for now. I hope everyone is doing well!


M said...

HONEY! My, oh my, have I missed you.

This whole new job thing has kicked my butt!

I'm THRILLED that y'all have better insurance. Don't worry about being an octo-mom. If it happens, I'll take a couple and raise 'em up country. ;) Good things come to those who wait, my love, and I guarantee that in His time, something wonderful will happen.

I'm still praying for your daddy. Is there anything he needs? Anything I can do?

I miss you heaps and hope to spend some quality IM time with you soon, honey.


p.s. Give Billy and the varmints my love, too!

Anonymous said...

Good luck with the baby making.

I'm praying for your Dad.

I hope you can find a job your happy with.

And thanks for reading blog. I hope I was able to encourage you to be heart healthy. :)

B-Mom said...

Shannon: I am one of Billy's "long lost aunts"...Sharon Thompson Bankhead. Haven't seen him since his 18th birthday, but have prayed for him and thought of him so many times. Anyway, it was great to find you guys on here. If you are interested you can check out my blog: b-mom-moments.blogspot.com and from there he can link with his cousins: Jenn, LaShay & Shannon who are my two daugher-in-laws (Jenn & Shannon) and our daughter, LaShay. Would love to hear from you. God is good!