Friday, December 3, 2010

Woo Hoo I am BACK!

Well friends I am back. I am gonna stick to it this time. I will be posting pics of Payton this weekend for everyone to enjoy. Until then...Lots of love and laughter.
Smile...Santa is watching!

Love always,

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

~Bringing Back Sassiness~

Wow it's been a while since I last blogged! Thought I was a believer! LOL! Sorry but this one will have to be a short one today!
A lot has happend in the last few months! The holidays were wonderful to us. We really enjoyed spending time with our family and together! Lots of good food, news, and gifts! But the best gift of all will come May 17, 2010! We are expecting our first child! A GIRL!!! A sweet, cute, sassy lil thing named Payton Makenna Poling! We can not wait for this moment and wishes it were tomorrow! The pregnancy has been good, lots of being sick but good. I wouldn't change it for the world!
When I get more free time and the rest of our news today I will post again later! Hope everyone is having a wonderful New Year so far and we love you all!
Billy, Shannon & Payton

Tuesday, March 17, 2009


Seriously I should have spelled checked that last BLOG!
Hooked on Phonics...apparently didnt work for me

Life as of Late

Well I thought I better blog about something since I havent in a while. Im constantly reading posts from my wonderful and dear friend Maggie...her blogs can make you laugh and cry at the same time and let me just say...when your done, you feel so much better. Then there is and old high school friend of mine, who for the past month has been telling her heart disease story and educating everyone on heart awareness. I never knew just exactly how much she has gone through the past couple of years and my hurt goes out to her. I think she is a fantastic woman and mother. With all that said...ready for an update from me?
My husband started back at his old job with Citi but is now working in the Mortgage division. He is super excited and I am too. Now we have better insurance, and more money in our pockets. I am also trying to find a new job. I have applied at a couple of places and I am now just waiting to hear back. Im just not happy anymore where I am. And it is really hard to work for family.
We are still trying for that baby, we just started on some fertility meds, so hopefully something will happen soon. I just pray it will, and that I dont end up being like the OCTUPLET Lady.
My dad is doing okay. He goes April 1st to have another biopsy done to see how everything is going, and then on April 15th we will all be in Temple for his surgery. This is definetly gonna be a life changing experience for him. It's hard to prepare for something that you have no idea how it's gonna turn out. It's been extremely hard on my mom. But she is the strongest woman I know. And I have complete faith that God is gonna pull my Dad through.
Well I guess that's about it on me for now. I hope everyone is doing well!

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Our Wonderful Healthcare System

This is a blog not from me, but from my husband. I am so truly lucky to have such a wonderful, compassionate, loving husband. I thought it was worth sharing his opinion with everyone. So here goes:

Today has been a very disappointing day for me. Why, you ask? Because I found out that my health insurance through United Healthcare is completely biased and left wing supportive.I arrived at my job in good spirits today. I got online to check what fertility treatments my health insurance would cover (my wife and I are trying to have children), and once I got logged in, the clouds came, and my world went dark. You see, United Healthcare doesn’t cover any type of fertility treatment at all. None. Zip. Zilch. Nada.

And here’s the part that disturbed me the most…you find out what is covered, or not covered, under a tab labeled “Family Planning”. The things that are covered, however, have nothing to do with family planning at all, would be better suited under a tab labeled “Family Prevention”. Here is a list of items that are covered:
Voluntary Sterilization – Covered (Preventive Procedure)
Abortion – Covered (Preventive Procedure)
Fetal Reduction Surgery – Covered (Preventive Procedure)
Health Services for Non-surgical or Drug-induced Pregnancy Termination – Covered (Preventive Procedure)

As you can see, everything that is covered is for the Prevention of pregnancy and birth. This is blatant discrimination against all of us who hold Christian and Conservative values. It is a slap in the face by a liberal left that has control over way too many of the things that we need. United Healthcare would rather pay 80% of the cost associated with killing an unborn infant, than they would pay to assist in the creation of life. It is absolutely shameful.I placed a call to United Healthcare and asked them why fertility treatments were not covered in any fashion, and I was given a two part answer:
1. Fertility treatments are not deemed medically necessary, and
2. There is not enough proof, medically, that they actually assist in pregnancy I asked them if they were kidding, and was simply told “no”.

So I asked a few questions of my own:

Q: When has a vasectomy ever been considered “medically necessary”, after all, this is covered under voluntary sterilization?
A: “I don’t have any statistics to show that.”

Q: What percentage of abortions are actually considered “medically necessary”?
A: “I don’t have those kind of statistics in front of me either.”

***(By the way, according to Central Illinois Right To Life, only 3% of abortions are performed due to the mother’s health problems. That means 97% of abortions performed are done so as a matter of choice, or birth control, yet all of them are covered by United Healthcare)

Q: How many non-surgical or drug-induced pregnancy terminations are considered “medically necessary”?
A: “Again, sir, I do not have those statistics in front of me.”

As you can see, United Healthcare couldn’t back up why they cover only preventative measures. This should be an illegal practice, due to the fact that it is obviously discriminatory. The average cost of an abortion in the United States ranges from $370 to $450.

According to the Alan Guttmacher Institute (Planned Parenthood), there were almost 1.3 million abortions in the U.S. last year. Even on the low end of the cost spectrum, if United Healthcare is covering 80% of each case, they still covered $481,000,000. That’s half a billion dollars…spent primarily on murder. But they refuse to cover fertility treatments at all. They should have a billboard ad that reads:“United Healthcare. We kill them so you don’t have to.”To sum everything up, I can only think of one word to describe what I feel. That word is disgust. Something needs to be done about this idiocy. At the least, if they are going to cover all of the preventative measures of birth, they should also be required to cover measures that can help assist in birth.

Thank you,
Billy Franklin Poling

This is my husband's heart right there. Is is so passionate when it comes to something that he believes in. That's one of the things that made me fall in love with him. Just Please...and I beg you...Please dont get him started on POLITICS! For the love of Pete and all that is HOLY please dont get him started. Hope you enjoyed this post.

Until Later,

Monday, January 26, 2009


Well since forever ago I have promised these photo's to Maggie aka here goes girl!

First we will start with the Kitchen:

Then there is the dining room

Then we will go into the Living Room

Ok fun is a lil peak at what will be in our's all thrown together and its not gonna look like this but here goes:

Then there is the spare bathroom

And my oh so cute and sweet lil pink room:

That's all I have ready for now. I will have the rest up this weekend. I hope you have enjoyed them.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009


oh yeah...I still have to put up pictures...I will work on that tonight. SORRY as you can tell I have a lot on my mind!

Love to all!